What do you like in your omelette?

I love easy recipes, especially easy recipes that taste great! That being said, I’m sure you’ll agree that this recipe scores at the top of any list in both categories.

What do you put in your omelets? Eggs, of course. But what are the extras that really trip your trigger? Do you like cheese? What about onions or peppers? I am a huge fan of diced tomatoes, so I make sure I always put a lot of them in. What about meats, like bacon, ham, or turkey? The amazing thing about omelets is that the possibilities are endless!

Today’s recipe isn’t really a recipe, because it’s all about what you want to use, in whatever quantity works for you.

Let’s start with the eggs. I love eggs, and I usually use at least four of them in my omelets, if not more. If you want less eggs, use less. If you’re cooking for two, use as many as are needed.

Here’s where it gets fun. Break your eggs into a fairly large Ziploc bag. Depending on how many eggs and fillers you want to use, I would say either a quart to a gallon bag.

Once the eggs are in the bag shake them up or squish the bag between your hands until the yolks are all broken and the eggs are mixed.

Next, add whatever makes your omelette perfect. Diced onions or tomatoes, meats, peppers, cheese, it all goes in the bag. Zip the bag shut and give it a couple of good shakes.

Drop the bag into a pot of boiling water for approximately 10 minutes. When your omelette is cooked, slide it out of the bag and onto a plate. Top it with cheese, salsa, or maybe a little compound butter.

This is by far the easiest recipe I’ve ever cooked, and also the most versatile. It truly is all about what the cook wants to do. There are no rules and no limitations with this dish. 😃

I hope you try it, and if you do, please let me know how it works for you.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I will be back on Sunday with something else that you will hopefully find interesting.


Shadow of the Drill
Born of Circumstance, Bred for Revenge.

A Perilous Thirst
A different kind of vampire story.

One Dyke Cozy
Mr. Happy

Contact Info

Email: rhanidchae@gmail.com

Twitter: @rhanidchae

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/rhanidchaeauthor/

Easy Chicken & Rice Dinner

I really like one pot dinners, or as close to one pot as I can get. This is a great chicken recipe with lots of room to be versatile.

Start by preheating your oven to 320°F. Next, spray a baking pan with whatever nonstick spray you use.

Spread one cup of raw white or brown rice into the pan. I like Lavender rice, but any rice will probably do.

I usually use three or four boneless, skinless chicken breasts, depending on how many of us are eating dinner. Slice them up, and lay them on top of the rice.

Here’s where you can be a little creative. Chop up half an onion, and throw it on top of the chicken and rice. You can also add carrots, mushrooms, or anything else that sounds good. If you want a little color, toss in some spinach.

In a separate bowl, mix together one can of cream of mushroom soup, two cups water, and a packet of dry onion soup mix, if desired.

Pour this over the chicken and rice, add salt and pepper to taste, and bake for 2 hours. When it’s done, let it stand for 10 minutes or so before serving.

This is an easy main course to make and it tastes fantastic! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I’ll be back on Sunday to introduce you to another character from my upcoming novel, Winter of the Drill.

My Books

Shadow of the Drill
Born of Circumstance, Bred for Revenge.

A Perilous Thirst
A different kind of vampire story.

One Dyke Cozy
Mr. Happy

Contact Info

Email: rhanidchae@gmail.com

Twitter: @rhanidchae

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/rhanidchaeauthor/

Drillbooks – Meet Duncan Malone

As I mentioned before, the main purpose of my doing these Drillboks blog posts is to push my brain past the writer’s block that’s been kicking my butt for the last 2 years. I don’t know why I’ve had SO much trouble finishing this book, but I have. I think a large part of it is that I’m afraid #Winter won’t live up to what #Shadow started. I don’t know. But whatever the reason, I’ve spent way too much time trying to finish this book and not enough time working on other projects.

But, since I’ve started doing these posts, I’ve actually gotten quite a bit done. It’s anyone’s guess if the book will actually be finished by the end of February but at least things are moving along.

You’ve already read some bits and pieces about the people and places in Decker’s world. Today, I’m going to introduce you to one of the main characters in #Winter: Duncan Malone.

Malone is the villain in this book. He was fairly easy to write, because I’ve met him many times over the years, in almost every place I’ve lived. In fact, I think almost everyone has crossed paths with a Duncan Malone at one point or another. You know the type: self-centered, arrogant, and focused solely on getting ahead financially by doing as little work as possible.

I met most of my Malones when I was much younger, and working in the clubs. The men who owned these clubs often seemed to fit the description above, and many of them were rich, young, or greedy enough to be genuinely dangerous.

In the 80s, there was a lot of oil money passing through the clubs. The girls were raking it in, and the club owners we’re rolling in it. And if one club was making money, wouldn’t two or three clubs make even more?

There were some men in Oklahoma at the time that I was there who owned multiple clubs, all of which were gotten legitimately. They were good men, and kept their hands fairly clean.

However, there were also a few who had only one club and wanted more, but didn’t feel like investing the time or the money to start from scratch. There were also those who thought that adding a successful club to their list of other “investments” would be a good thing. And by successful, I mean one that was already open, fully staffed, with a large and loyal customer base.

These are the men that Duncan Malone was drawn from. Men who knew what they wanted and wouldn’t hesitate to get it, no matter the cost.

Malone has built a small empire by involving himself in anything and everything that will turn a profit. Strip clubs, gambling, and adult films, to name a few. He didn’t get where he is by being nice, and he makes no apologies for that.

He makes his first appearance in #Winter when his accountant informs him that the income from his clubs has gone down, due to the holiday season and that the repairs/upgrades needed to make them a desirable destination for anyone with money to spend will be quite costly.

Malone isn’t thrilled with the idea of spending money to make money. I think he truly believes that buying the clubs, if that’s how he got them, should be the only investment needed. Writing a check to keep them attractive and in good repair isn’t going to happen.

However, the Toybox, owned by Rudy Valdez, is doing quite well for itself. Malone has a history with Rudy, and it isn’t pretty. When the Toybox was put up for sale, Malone wanted it. But, he was unwilling to pay the asking price and tried to force the owner into selling it for much less. While this was going on, Rudy and Decker just…bought the club, which infuriated Malone. As Rudy later said, “I thought I was making a business deal. Turns out, I was making an enemy.”

Malone doesn’t forget, and he certainly doesn’t forgive. In his opinion, forcing Rudy to sign over the Toybox would go a long way toward resolving an issue that he has been brooding over for years.

The fact that Rudy has no intention of giving his club to Malone sets off a series of attacks against Rudy’s friends and employees. No one is safe when Malone’s hired gunman takes aim. Who will fall? And how will Rudy protect the people that he cares about from a silent hunter whose face is never seen?

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about Dunkin Malone. Please join me again on Wednesday, when I will be bringing you a fantastic chicken recipe. 😀


Shadow of the Drill
Born of Circumstance, Bred for Revenge.

A Perilous Thirst
A different kind of vampire story.

One Dyke Cozy
Mr. Happy

Contact Informatin

Email: rhanidchae@gmail.com

Twitter: @rhanidchae @rhanidchaaebooks

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/rhanidchaeauthor/

#RRBC Spotlight Author Gracie Bradford talks about favorite sites and apps

This is a great post, including a list of excellent resources. Please take a minute to read it,

Bette A. Stevens, Maine Author


It is such a pleasure to introduce this “up and coming author,” Gracie Bradford, and her book about a child with brain cancer. The beagle, Lady Bird, takes on a leading role in this short story. Learn about the role of pet therapy in the healing process.

During her discovery journey and literary, educational adventure, Gracie relates that she stumbled upon software and websites that have proven to give a new meaning to work simplification. She used some of these in her business but discovered they could also be used with some of her writing projects. Most seasoned authors are already familiar with the apps and sites, but the “up and coming authors” may find some of these to be useful. She doesn’t use all, just those that she has the skill set to understand and can give a return on her investment…

View original post 228 more words

Peanut Butter Balls

This is always been one of my favorite cookies. My family pretty much considers them a Christmas cookie, but I do make them at other times of the year. I feel guilty, like I’m cheating on Santa, but I do it.

These cookies are fairly easy to make, which I like.

Start with 1/4 cup butter, and 1/2 half cup peanut butter. Mix well, and then blend in 2 cups powdered sugar. Roll the dough into balls and chill for at least an hour. The longer they chill, the better, so sometimes I leave them in the fridge overnight.

I can’t tell you specifically how much chocolate to use, because there are a lot of variables, such as the size of the peanut butter balls, or if you’re going to double dip. But I usually melt down a bag of chocolate chips to start with. If I end up having to open a second bag, that’s okay. I do a lot of baking so I can always finish off a bag of chocolate chips.

I found it’s easiest to put wax paper or foil on a cookie sheet and then put the dipped peanut butter balls onto that. Put them back into the refrigerator to chill, and then if you want, you can dip them a second time.

Sometimes I get creative and toss some decorating sugar or sprinkles onto the balls after they’re dipped. I’ve also used shredded coconut, and finely chopped candy cane pieces.

These cookies are absolutely incredible! They’re also highly addictive, which is probably why my family only allows them once a year. 😄

I hope you enjoy today’s recipe. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I hope you can join me again on Sunday, when I’m going to give you a look at some of the characters in my upcoming novel, Winter of the Drill.

Contact Info

Email: rhanidchae@gmail.com

Twitter: @rhanidchae @rhanidchaaebooks

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/rhanidchaeauthor/

Drillbooks: Behind The Scenes – Snowbunny

I’ve had several people ask me about the character of Snowbunny. Is she real, where did she get her name, the basics.

I did actually work with a girl who wore a white rabbit fur coat on stage and went by the name of Snowbunny, which I did think was a fun name. But that’s where reality ends and fiction begins.

The girl I worked with was a top-of-the-line hustler. She was all about the money and didn’t miss a trick, pun intended.

Rudy’s Snowbunny, on the other hand, really has no business working in a shimmy shack. Her sweet personality is yet unjaded, which makes her unique in the club business and a hit with the customers. But because of her naivete, she is unprepared for the backstabbing and deceit that is par for the course among the girls that she works with.

Snowbunny truly believes that the Toybox is just a temporary stop for her and that her Prince Charming is on his way to sweep her off her feet and into a much better life. Her friendship with Tawnee gives her insight into a world she didn’t know existed and doesn’t remotely understand.

I’m not sure what lies ahead for Bun. I like her, although she does bore me a bit. However, Rudy seems to be a bit sweet on her, and that might be an interesting thing to explore. I don’t think the two of them have a snowball’s chance at any kind of a long-term relationship, but it would be fun to see where it did go.

If you’ve read Shadow of the Drill, I’d love to hear your Snowbunny-related thoughts. Should I keep her? Should she find a job more suited to her? And what about a Rudy/Bun love connection?

I’m so glad you stopped by my blog to read today’s post. Please join me on Wednesday, when I will have another fantastic recipe to share with you.

Contact Info

Email: rhanidchae@gmail.com

Twitter: @rhanidchae @rhanidchaaebooks

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/rhanidchaeauthhor/

Direct contact: 253 224 7410